Each tractor and engine registered in the show will receive a dash plaque. The show will go on throughout the day with participants parading their antique tractors down Main Street at 3 p.m.
The fish fry will follow. The meal will consists of fried fish, hushpuppies, cole slaw, baked beans, desert and drink. The cost will be $7.00. Children 6 and under eat free. Browse though artisans and crafters as they work their trade onsite! Come out and support the museum.
This year The Museum hopes to add an Appalachian Heritage twist to our Antique Tractor and Engine Show. If possible, they want to split rails and drive board shingles. Also, they want to demonstrate some of the crafts that were important to our forefathers and reflect life on the early homesteads. Flint knappers are welcome to display their talents as well.
If you would like to set up and demonstrate some of the early arts and crafts at this show, give us a call at (464) 464-2888. If you make these crafts for a profit, feel free to do so at the Engine Show. For more information visit our Facebook Event Page!